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About the GBA Group
GBA Group

About the GBA Group

GBA Group - Scientifically based Analytics according to the highest Quality Standards.

GBA Group is an international life science services provider with over 2,500 employees in 9 countries and a wide range of analytical, logistical and specialist services. The group stands for outstanding technical expertise, efficient processes and full focus on customer needs with regard to its activities in the fields of research, product development, market development and consumer protection. With its services, GBA Group directly and indirectly makes a sustainable contribution to health, the environment and society.


Code of Conduct

With this Code of Conduct, the GBA Group sets itself a binding standard of conduct for all managers and employees. Together with GBA Group's Compliance Management Policy, the Code of Conduct forms the basis of GBA Group's compliance management system.

Download: Code of Conduct (PDF)

Download: Supplier Code of Conduct (PDF)

GBA Group Sites


How to reach us

We offer numerous locations and departments in Europe and the U.S., so that you always have a reliable contact in your area.
Location overview
© 2024 GBA Group

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